Gobi and Taklamakan desert

Gobi and Taklamakan desert

Expeditions: Alone through the Gobi Desert, 1996 - Bruno Baumann

Lake Crescent in The Gobi Desert



Bruno Baumann in Going to Extrems: The Silk Routes "The Gobi" (excerpt 1)
Bruno Baumann in Going to Extremes: The Silk Routes "The Gobi" (excerpt 2)

Takla Makan 228.990 km²

Caravan of No Return - Drama in the Taklamakan Desert

Die Taklamakan-Wüste (auch Takla Makan, chinesisch 塔克拉瑪干沙漠 / 塔克拉玛干沙漠, Pinyin Tǎkèlāmǎgān Shāmò oder Taklimakan Shamo, Uighur: Täklimakan Toghraqliri)



The Modern Explorers
Edited by Robin Hanbury-Tension and Robert Twigger

Sahara Subtropical 9 million km2 Northern Africa Arabian Subtropical
2.6 million km2² Arabian Peninsula
Gobi Cold 1.2 million km² China and Mongolia

10 Modern Explorers Who Pushed The Limits

Bruno Baumann (* 10. Januar 1955 in Leibnitz, Steiermark) ist ein österreichischer Reiseschriftsteller, Filmemacher und Trekking-Spezialist

Gobi - Through the Land Without Water

Teamwork - The Key to Success



  1. Jako jediný na světě sám přešel srdce pouště Gobi. Už se to nikdy nikomu nepovede, poušť se změnila, říká



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