Norway weather forecast

Norway weather forecast

Trolltunga, Odda (Hordaland)

Trolltunga Parking   -

Preikestolen, Forsand (Rogaland)

Hike the Pulpit Rock in Norway

Kjeragbolten - Located Near Stavanger

je mezi Maurset a
Øvre Eidfjord, Eidfjord (Hordaland)  -  cca 5? km od  vodopádu

Best link s body na mapě - jako níže ale + vodopád  Vøringfossen

vodopád jazyk,+Odda,+Norway/V%C3%B8ringfoss+Kafeteria+%26+Souvenir,+Fossatromma,+5785+V%C3%B8ringsfoss,+Norway/Sandefjord,+Norway/@59.8277169,7.3123943,8z/

Public transport - bus

Taxi from Odda Busstasjon to Skjeggedal,
Odda Taxi  tel. +47 53 64 144,

or Odda Taxi/Bus, tel. +47 400 800 17

MAP - BUS STOPS  -  ODDA Trolltunga

Tourist Information OADDA  -  Odda Turistkontor
Torget 2, 5750 Odda, Norway
Hours: Open:· 9AM – 7PM                                    
Phone: +47 53 65 40 05

Hardangerfjord - HANDANGER HOTEL - tourist info

Once in Odda you have to go to the beginer of the hiking in Skjeggedal, which is more or less about 17km from the city.
For this there’s a shuttle that takes people up there, it’s operated by Odda Taxi. The bus-taxi left the city twice, at 06:30am and at 7:30am to the Skjeggedal and must return to Odda at 19:30 and 20:30. The round-trip tickets and back cost NOK200.00, something like €20.00.
You can buy this transfer there in Odda taxi point or at the company’s website. If you want any particular information you can call (+47) 5364 1414.


Hardangerfjord at Ytre Samlafjorden - Norheimsund, Norway

Panorama of the mountains along the Ulvikfjord, a side arm of the Hardangerfjord, Norway

Ancient farm house in Hardangerfjord

 The World's Best Photos of hardanger and lake

Granvin, Hardangerfjord in Norway

Ulvik, Hardangerfjord, Norway

New road opened to Trolltunga  -  Saves an extra 8kms on hike
Trolltunga Odda new road open

A new road open
that is 4 km further above Skjeggedal and saves you 8km in total from the walk.
This was the information provided:
"840 m above sea level,and then 3,5 hours hike each way to Trolltunga
Turn left in center of Skjeggedal
1 day parking: kr 500,-. Incl. driving
Open 07.00 am For the first 30 cars, because limited capacity"

Nice view, but too crowded (even on a slow day). The parking in Skjeggedal was much too expensive. All information on the net says 200 kr (20€), but the price was raised to 400kr (40€). When I paid in the parking-ticket-machine it raised it to 500kr (50€) all by itself, so it is better to pay in the shop close to the machine.
Remember that this is a hard haik, you need to be in good condition and have good boots.

8 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in the Hardangerfjord Area
