Interactive map of currently active volcanoes
The Hottest Photos on 500px: 25 Fiery Lava Shots by Bruce Omori
Daily map of active Volcanoes
Every volcano in the world that has erupted within the past 10,000 years or is considered potentially active and many extinct volcanoes are listed. If you have interesting material about a volcano (or a region), in particular images, news, eye-witness accounts, etc. you like to share, please get in touch with us or send us the material for review.
Stromboli - 5
Stromboli Volcano - Eolian Islands - Sicily
Picturesque view to observe the eruption of Stromboli live, among the most active volcanoes in Europe
Etna - 37
Volcanoes of the World: Webcams
Global Earthquake Monitor - map & list of recent quakes world-wide
I have felt an earthquake
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